A new Danish Winner!!
Happy happy happy! We have a new Danish Winner-14 and Danish Junior Winner-14!
At Danish Winner show in Herning MacEnvi Highlander went all the way to the top! Again!
3 times shown in Denmark and 3 times BOB. And all these shows have been international shows.
So proud of our boy Angus!
The other results in Herning were as follows:
MultiCH Elith Be Luca´Licious BF2 R-CACIB Reserve Danish Winner-14
Helmiäisen Esquire Ex2 CQ in Intermediate class
Elith No Pain No Gain Ex3 CQ in Junior class
Elith Oops A Daisy 3rd Very promising puppy
Also a nice day at Växjö Int dog show on Saturday!
Helmiäisen Esquire BM2 CAC and R-CACIB
MultiCH Elith Be Luca´Licious BF2 R-CACIB
MacEnvi Highlander BM4
Elith No Pain No Gain Ex3 in Junior class
Elith Oops A Daisy BOS-puppy
Thanks to all friends for a nice weekend and also thanks to the judges!
And finally nice news from Marty in St. Petersburg!
Chihuahua Special show, Saint-Petersburg (Russia)
Judge Jakub Kruczek (Poland)
ELITH KNOCK OUT MESS (Marty), club winner’s class – ex., CW, Best Male,
Chihuahua Club Winner, BOS